The art of computer programming /

Knuth, Donald Ervin, 1938-

The art of computer programming / Donald E. Knuth. - Upper Saddle River, NJ : Addison-Wesley, 2005-2011. - 4 τ. : εικ. ; 25 εκ.

Περιλαμβάνει ευρετήριο. τ. 1.1 - 134 σ. -- τ. 4.4 - 120 σ.

τ. 1.1. MMIX, a RISC computer for the new millennium -- τ. 4. Introduction to combinatorial algorithms and boolean functions τ. 4.1. Bitwise tricks & techniques, binary decision diagrams -- τ. 4.2. Generating all tuples and permutations -- τ. 4.3. Generating all combinations and partitions -- τ. 4.4. Generating all trees, history of combinatorial generation -- τ. 4.1.1. Combinatorial algorithms

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