The architectural treatise in the Italian Renaissance :

Payne, Alina Alexandra

The architectural treatise in the Italian Renaissance : architectural invention, ornament, and literary culture / Alina A. Payne. - Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1999. - xv, 343 σ. : εικ., σχεδ. ; 27 εκ.

Περιλαμβάνει βιβλιογραφικές αναφορές και ευρετήριο.

Part I. Texts, ruins, and academies -- Ch. 1. Of license and archaeology -- Ch. 2. Vitruvius -- Ch. 3. Literary grids and artistic intersections -- Ch. 4. Alberti -- Ch. 5. Francesco di Giorgio Martini -- Part II. La questione del ornamento : Ch. 6. Serlio and the theoretization of ornament -- Ch. 7. Spini and architectural Imitatio -- Ch. 8. Palladio and the aesthetics of necessita -- Ch. 9. Scamozzi and Gesamttheorie.

Review: "Vitruvius's Ten Books of Architecture, the only architectural treatise to have survived from antiquity, was the fountainhead of architectural theory in the Italian Renaissance. This study examines the Italian Renaissance architect's efforts to negotiate between imitation and reinvention of classicism. Through a close reading of Vitruvius and texts written during the period 1400-1600, Alina Payne identifies ornament as the central issue around which much of this debate focused. Ornament, she argues, facilitated a dialogue across disciplines and invited exchanges with literary and rhetorical practices. Payne's study also highlights the place of the architectural treatise in the text-based culture of the period and of architectural discourse in Renaissance thought."--Jacket.

9780521178235 (pbk.) 9780521622660 (hdbk.)

Αρχιτεκτονική--Πρώιμα έργα μέχρι το 1800
Διακόσμηση, Αρχιτεκτονική --Πρώιμα έργα μέχρι το 1800
Αρχιτεκτονική, Αναγεννησιακή--Ιταλία

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